Serving Students, Parents, and Organizations

Who We Serve

Our program serves college-bound learners in grades 5 and up, the next-generation workforce, and their caregivers.

What is Math Anxiety?

Math anxiety is a common experience.

Math anxiety is a negative emotional reaction to mathematics that can significantly impact academic performance and achievement. Unfortunately, math anxiety is a common experience, reported by 33% of students by the time they reach 15 years old.

Math anxiety can manifest in different ways and to varying degrees. Common symptoms include:

  • difficulty explaining or discussing math topics and concepts
  • negative self-talk - feeling like one is not smart enough or will never be able to understand it
  • nervousness in math class or when faced with math problems
  • difficulty concentrating, leading to more mistakes
  • physical symptoms such as sweating and rapid heartbeat
  • difficulty remembering concepts and procedures
  • decreased self-esteem or confidence

Math anxiety can stem from various factors, yet with appropriate support, it is possible to overcome it and thrive in mathematics. 

Encourage your child to complete the self-assessment below to determine if they have math anxiety.

Do You Have Math Anxiety?

Take the self-test now to find out!

Self-Test: Click Here 

Check Your Score:

9-14: Low Anxiety - Your confidence level appears strong. Your responses indicate minimal to no significant distress or worry related to math-related tasks or situations.

15-24: Mild anxiety - Your anxiety level is manageable. Your responses indicate you experience some occasional worry or nervousness related to math-related tasks or situations.

25-34: Moderate Anxiety - You might benefit from additional support. Your responses indicate you experience more frequent worry or nervousness about math-related tasks or situations, which might impact your math performance or confidence.

35-45: High Anxiety - You would greatly benefit from support. Your responses indicate that you might experience significant distress, fear, or anxiety when faced with math-related tasks or situations which can substantially impact math performance, confidence, and attitude toward mathematics.

No matter the level of math anxiety, Accelerate Solutions can help your child reduce the symptoms of their anxiety and increase their confidence.  

What We Do

Build Student Confidence in the Math Classroom

Interactive Group Workshops to Reduce Math Anxiety

Accelerate Solutions is an education services company dedicated to reducing math anxiety and helping students unlock their full potential in the mathematics classroom. We address math anxiety head-on and help students achieve their full potential in mathematics.  

Our interactive workshops offer the following:

  • Research-Based Curriculum: Our curriculum is grounded in research, giving students fresh insights into their math learning potential.
  • Reduced Math Anxiety: Participants experience reduced anxiety related to mathematics, both within the classroom and in broader contexts.
  • Increased Engagement: The workshops cultivate greater engagement with math, making the subject more accessible and interesting.
  • Enhanced Academic Performance: Students benefit from improved academic achievement through our workshop's effective strategies.



"I learned that a lot of people have math anxiety, more so than other subjects, and why and how to deal with it."

JM.~7th grade participant

"I learned that a lot of people have math anxiety, more so than other subjects, and why and how to deal with it."

JM.~7th grade participant

"I liked those little experiments that showed how different people think and a few of those videos."

Lana C.~7th grade student

"I liked those little experiments that showed how different people think and a few of those videos."

Lana C.~7th grade student